In A Car Accident? An Attorney Explains Exactly What To Do

Nothing makes you feel more vulnerable than being in a car accident. The overwhelming powerlessness and confusion make it hard to process the situation, let alone to think about your next steps.

Yet the reality is that decisions in that moment will shape the coming months or years of your life, for better or worse. It’s critical to know what to do before you step into the car—even for quick trips, given that most accidents actually occur near home.

As personal injury attorneys who specialize in auto collisions, we’ve dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly of post-accident decision-making. Here’s what we wish everyone knew to do.

Evaluate everyone’s safety & call for help

Everyone’s well-being is of the utmost priority. Check yourself, check others, and clear the way for traffic if possible.

Check yourself for injuries

If you are able to move, then go immediately to a safe spot away from traffic or damaged vehicles (which are potentially inflammable).

Obviously, call 911 for any critical injuries as soon as it’s safe to get on the phone.

The shock of the moment can make it surprisingly hard to tell whether you’ve suffered some less catastrophic harm. Try your best to relax and breathe deeply as your level of awareness returns to normal. If possible, think consciously about every body part, one at a time, and dial 911 if you do perceive signs of harm.

If others are injured, stay put and call for help

Assuming you’re not seriously injured, your next priority is to see whether anyone—in any of the vehicles involved—has been injured. If so, then call 911 from a safe place, assuming you are able to.

Under no circumstances should you leave the site of the accident. You may and should move to a safe spot, but fleeing the scene altogether may constitute a hit-and-run. Furthermore, fleeing the scene of an injury accident may be a felony under Washington law.

If safe, move the vehicles out of traffic

Assuming the vehicles are operable, and nobody in them is too badly hurt to move, then get them out of the way of traffic.

If not, then turn on hazard lights and use reflective triangles or flares (if available) to alert other drivers while you wait for law enforcement to arrive. Do not accept the services of any unsolicited tow truck.

Document the incident

If you haven’t already called 911, then now’s the time to get the police on their way. While you wait for them, document everything (and everyone) that pertains to the incident.

Don’t discuss fault or deny injuries

Insurers will decide who is legally at fault—which may be more complex than it seemed from the driver’s seat. No good comes of discussing fault with the other party. Even if you believe you contributed to the collision, and even if the other driver is demanding that you say so, it is simply not the time or place.

Likewise, even if you’re fortunate enough to have escaped injury, don’t say you’re not injured. Delayed car accident injuries are far more common than most people realize. Feeling nothing at the moment does not mean you aren’t hurt; only a doctor can make that determination.

Exchange information

Ensure that you and the other driver(s) have each other’s personal contact information, insurance details, and vehicle information.

Photograph and record the details

Insurance compensation and legal remedies revolve around documentation, so it’s critical to photograph the vehicles extensively. Err on the side of too much evidence, not too little, and don’t count on the other party to capture all the details.

Write down every single thing you recall: the sequence of events, the circumstances, the roadway, and so forth. The stress of the situation can make it harder than usual to remember essential details. If anyone witnessed the collision, it’s wise to record their contact information and observations, as well.

If your insurer provides a mobile app, then you may be able to open a claim and start uploading documentation from the scene.

Follow up

Once you’ve away from the scene, there are still a few critical things to follow up on.

File an insurance claim

If you haven’t already opened a claim with your insurers, now’s the time to do so.

You might not be obligated to file a claim, but you’ll almost certainly want to. True, it’s quite possible that your insurance premiums will rise. Although higher premiums may be hard to swallow, they’re often a drop in the bucket compared to the out-of-pocket cost of even minor repairs (let alone any medical or legal complications).

File a report, if an officer hasn’t

Generally, the investigating officer will file a report. However, if no officer is investigating, then Washington law gives you four days to file a report yourself.

Get a medical check-up

Harm from a car accident isn’t always as obvious as you’d think. Some delayed injury symptoms may emerge hours or even days after the collision.

If you notice any physical or psychological changes, then see your doctor promptly—even if they don’t feel like a big deal.

Consider consulting an attorney

Ideally, insurers settle claims in a prompt and reasonable fashion, and all parties move on with life as soon as possible.

However, there are many situations where insurers are reluctant, liability is complex, or additional legal considerations (like personal behavior or product liability) are involved. If you find yourself in one of these situations, then consult a legal team who can advise you on your rights and remedies.

As personal injury attorneys who specialize in car accidents, we’re all too aware of the financial and personal stakes. We’re here to give a clear, candid assessment and—if necessary—to fight for whatever compensation you deserve.

If you’ve been in an accident, contact us today for a confidential consultation.

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Watch For These Delayed Injury Symptoms After Car A Accident

The physical and mental trauma of a car accident happens in a flash. Just a fraction of a second can turn your health, finances, and entire life upside down.

But that fleeting moment isn’t always the end of it.

Some car accident injury symptoms take days or even weeks to fully show up.

That’s why it’s critical to get a thorough medical evaluation even if you feel fine, and to consult a personal injury attorney before dealing with insurers or anybody else.

This article will help you understand what signs to watch for, why these delayed collision injuries occur, and what to do if symptoms emerge in the aftermath of your accident.

Car Accident Injury Symptoms To Watch For

Some symptoms begin with surprisingly minor discomfort.

A little tightness, stiffness, or soreness can be part of daily life. But after a wreck, these aches and pains may be the first signs of soft tissue damage.

Of course, it’s always best to seek medical evaluation and legal counsel even if you feel well. Generally, you will not receive compensation for undetected injuries.

Neck & back pain

Emerging neck and pain is a common symptom of delayed injury from a car accident. It’s usually the result of strains to soft tissue, but may also reflect small spinal fractures.

The spine is connected by several small ligaments that hold delicate vertebrae in alignment. Between the vertebrae are discs that provide cushioning and lubrication. The intense forces of a car accident often stretch or tear these ligaments, resulting in pain that tends to increase in the days after.

In some cases, vertebrae may be compressed hard enough to damage discs or even the vertebrae themselves. This may also result in severe inflammation that irritates the many nearby nerves.

When rapid, jerking motion hurts the soft tissues of the neck, it’s known as whiplash. However, the entire spine is vulnerable to similar injuries, from the base of the skull down to the tailbone.

Headaches, nausea, or sensory changes

Concussions typically cause pain and nausea. It’s also common to experience sensory changes ranging from impaired sight or balance to persistent vertigo to tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Direct head impact is the usual cause, but you may have experienced a concussion without realizing it.

Any violent change in momentum is enough to compress the brain against the skull. Whatever the cause, that pressure inflicts some degree of concussion or more severe traumatic brain injury.

While there’s no need to panic at every little twinge, it’s critical to get a physician’s opinion if you notice changes in movement, vision, memory, focus, or any other neurological functions.

(The dizziness associated with a concussion isn’t necessarily the same thing as lightheadedness or fainting. Those also demand immediate attention, since they could reflect several underlying problems, including internal bleeding.)

Keep in mind that symptoms like headaches are common to both concussions and whiplash. If you see signs of either one, a physician may examine you for both.

Numb or tingly limbs

Take note of any odd sensations or numbness, especially in your limbs. This often suggests injury to or inflammation of tissue around major nerves.

For instance, leg and arm nerves may be compressed where they branch off of your spine. This can occur even without back or neck pain, since it takes surprisingly little inflammation to interfere with nerve function.

Abdominal pain

After a car accident, new or increasing abdominal pain is an alarming symptom that needs immediate attention.

Unlike generalized nausea or malaise following brain injury, more acute abdominal pain may mean bruised organs or even internal bleeding. Our internal organs are surprisingly robust, but the forces of a wreck are more than enough to injure them. And just like skin-level bruising, this can take hours or days to fully appear.

Abdominal pain is less common than other delayed injury symptoms, but may be one of the most severe.

Stiff or swollen joints

Tight, inflamed joints are a common collision injury symptom. They’re often accompanied by swelling or superficial tenderness.

Direct impact—like being thrust against a car door or steering wheel—may cause deep bruising as connective tissue is compressed between a bone and an external object.

In other collisions, a forceful change in momentum may cause hyperextension (excessive stretching). A torn tendon or ligament would be immediately noticeable, but partial tears and lesser strains can take time to manifest.

Finally, keep an eye out for shoulder and elbow issues in particular. They may bear the brunt of direct impact from a door. Likewise, our small hand and finger joints are easily strained.

Anxiety, depression, or trouble sleeping

Less often discussed, but equally important, are mental health symptoms.

Our brains simply aren’t designed for the trauma and fright of a collision, so anxiety, mood disorders, and even sleep dysfunction are common in the aftermath.

These often point to PTSD or a similar state. The mechanisms aren’t well understood, but psychological symptoms may be the brain’s way of dealing with the extreme stress of a collision.

If you or people close to you notice behavioral changes after a car accident, then take them seriously and get a professional evaluation.

What Kinds of Collision Injuries Might Be Delayed?

Some of the most common types of delayed car accident injuries are:

  • Neck strain (e.g., whiplash)
  • Concussion and brain trauma
  • Back pain, spasms, or stiffness
  • Internal bleeding

From skin to ligaments to brain matter, our bodies are filled with soft tissue. It’s all vulnerable to impact, and even to drastic changes in momentum.

But unlike skeletal injuries, which are relatively immediate and simple to diagnose, soft tissue injuries can manifest slowly and may require special medical imaging.

Why Are Some Car Accident Injuries Delayed?

Car accident injuries are often delayed when they involve soft tissue, including the brain. Factors like psychological stress and hormonal responses may play a role, although they’re harder to observe.

For the most part, bones either break or don’t break, which is generally clear from an X-ray.

But soft tissue injuries can be a product of bruising, excess stretching, inflammatory responses, and even postural compensation. These things may not leave immediate signs, and can be hard to detect clinically—especially before a little time has passed.

Additionally, our bodies respond to the indescribable stress of a collision by releasing a flood of hormones. This classic fight-or-flight response may numb pain and inhibit inflammation, but only for a matter of minutes or hours. Symptoms may evolve rapidly during that time as hormones return to normal levels.

What’s more, the psychological trauma of a serious collision can affect when and how we perceive pain. This phenomenon remains a bit mysterious, but it’s highly individual, and no less real than broken bones or lacerated skin.

What to Do if You Suspect Delayed Injuries

Above all, never sign or agree to anything until you’ve been thoroughly checked over by a medical professional. Once you’ve attended to your care, consider speaking with an attorney who specializes in car accidents.

Remember, insurers and other parties are fully aware that not all injuries appear right away. It’s in their best interest for you to waive or release potential claims as soon as possible. It’s in your best interest to ensure your injuries are fully and patiently documented.

Secondly, get a doctor’s evaluation even if you haven’t noticed any serious injuries. A healthcare provider may still find damage that’s poised to cause problems later. This affects not just your well-being, but also the compensation that you can pursue.

Finally, consider working with a legal team that specializes in collision injuries. We’re here to help accident victims like you to win fair compensation for the full extent of harm suffered.

Courts remain as backlogged as ever, so contact us promptly to schedule a consultation.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Driving may be the most dangerous thing you do each day. In fact, the US sees a couple million car accident injuries every year.

Most are minor, many are serious, and tens of thousands prove fatal every year. In fact, collision injuries claim more young American lives than any other cause.

But what types of injuries are likeliest to occur? Which parts of our bodies are the most vulnerable? And what’s the effect of car design and driving habits?

First, we need to make one thing clear.

If you’ve suffered a car accident injury, then stop reading, and contact a personal injury attorney immediately! You have limited time to file a claim, and may be up against insurers and opposing attorneys who want to minimize your compensation.

With that said, let’s dive into some research.

These are the most common car accident injuries


Whiplash is one of the most frequent injuries because it can occur even at low speeds.

The NHSTA estimated over 272k whiplash injuries annually in the US. That means about 1% of the entire population (at the time of the study) experienced whiplash in one average year.

The medical name for whiplash is “cervical acceleration-deceleration injury,” and that’s a good description of how the injury happens. Our heads are heavy, especially compared to the limited strength of our neck muscles. When a collision impact thrusts us forward, our heads stay in place for another fraction of a second, during which time our necks hyperextend violently, then snap forward.

That rapid acceleration-deceleration strains cervical ligaments, hence the painful but often hard-to-diagnose condition we know as whiplash.

Concussion & traumatic brain injury

It’s obvious that hitting our heads against a steering wheel or window can cause a concussion, or even more severe forms of traumatic brain injury. This is all too common in car accidents.

But what’s less obvious is that we can also sustain a concussion (or worse) without hitting our head at all. All it takes is a vigorous change in momentum to compress our brains against the inside of our skulls. That’s why collision forces without direct impact may still result in some degree of brain injury.

Learn more about concussion following the car accident in this article.

Broken bones

Collisions often cause broken bones in one of two ways.

The first is when parts of the vehicle are crushed in a collision. This often snaps or crushes hand, foot, arm, or leg bones that are near the point of impact. Such extreme force can even break large bones like the femur (upper leg) or humerus (upper arm), which some research suggests are the two most common car-accident fractures.

The second is when the force of the collision jams our extremities against immobile surfaces, like the steering wheel or dashboard. The small bones of our hands and feet are particularly vulnerable, as are our delicate facial bones.

External or internal bruising & bleeding

Under the extreme force of a collision, bruises (contusions) are highly likely—and potentially severe.

Unlike everyday bruises that heal themselves, auto accidents can bruise our internal organs. Strong impacts or crushing forces may press organs against each other or against our ribs, perhaps even damaging blood vessels at the same time. If so, the resulting injuries are extremely urgent and often fatal.

Even in milder cases, the seat belt and airbag may cause severe chest bruising in their own right. Of course, that’s far less harmful than steering wheel/dashboard impact or ejection from the car. Still, safety devices can only mitigate harm, not prevent it entirely. 


Fuel systems are safer than in years past, so only about 3% of auto accidents result in fire. But when a vehicle does combust, the heat is often intense and prolonged.

This can easily cause third- or fourth-degree burns, wherein skin and even deeper tissues are destroyed. Such burns are excruciatingly painful, grotesquely disfiguring, and sometimes fatal.

EVs present a different burn risk, and data are limited but alarming. Specifically, lithium-ion batteries carry a significant risk of combustion or explosion following accidents with electric vehicles—and sometimes even spontaneously. Besides the risk to occupants, battery fires also jeopardizes rescuers and may delay their help.

Spinal cord injuries

Car accidents often cause spinal cord/nervous damage due to shear forces or blunt-force trauma. 

Our spinal cord is a complex bundle of nerves that coordinate our most basic functions. It’s also long, flexible, and designed to favor movement over protection. Unfortunately, that means impact or violent changes in momentum can push parts of our spine in different directions.

In mild and moderate cases, the force may damage ligaments and cause symptoms akin to whiplash. Sometimes, this causes localized inflammation which leads to non-permanent nervous symptoms.

In more severe cases, the force may stretch or sever the nerves themselves, resulting in some degree of paralysis.

Cuts (lacerations)

Not only do sharp objects abound in vehicles, but collisions may turn smooth plastic or metal sheeting into knife-like edges.

Flying glass shards are another potential cause, although modern vehicle windows are designed to minimize the scattering of shattered glass.

Lacerations usually result from high impact, so they’re typically accompanied by other, potentially more severe injuries.

Limb crushing & amputation

Direct impact and its aftermath, like vehicles rolling on top of a victim, can sever limbs immediately or crush them to a degree that requires surgical amputation.

According to the Amputee Coalition, car accidents cause the vast majority of traumatic amputations, more than two-thirds of which are to the arm. (Leg amputation seems more prevalent in developing countries, where modes of travel—especially motorcycle use—and vehicle safety standards are drastically different.)

What about mental health issues?

The trauma of a car accident is as much psychological as it is physical. With or without injuries, the mere threat of serious harm or death is profoundly upsetting and may cause long-term psychological harm.

This is an emerging field of research, so data remain limited on the mental health impact of auto collisions. However, some recent research suggests that about one-third of those involved in accidents will experience some degree of PTSD, according to.

Additionally, life-changing injuries, painful treatment and healing, guilt over one’s role, and severe financial strain are all common causes of depression and anxiety.

What body parts are injured most often in car accidents?

No matter the type of injury (as covered above), some body parts are likelier to bear the brunt of an auto collision.

Not all injuries are reported, so data on the most frequently-injured body parts aren’t that reliable. However, there’s enough research to make some educated guesses.

Neck (soft tissue)

Neck injuries are exceedingly common in car accidents, especially when hit from behind at any speed.

Our necks are a fairly weak link between the mass of the head and torso. As such, the neck is susceptible to strain and jerking around during a drastic change in momentum, making it highly vulnerable to whiplash.

Head & chest

A French study found that the head (particularly face) and chest are the most common locations of severe injuries.

These regions of the body are most at risk in head-on collisions. Seat belts and airbags are immensely protective, but can’t totally prevent harm.

Lower back

Our backs aren’t quite as delicate as our necks, but both are susceptible to similar harm.

The bones and tissue of the lower back are optimized for bending forward and backward, but only moderately to the side. Side-impact collisions may cause violent lateral movement and shear forces, resulting in painful soft tissue damage and even spinal cord injury.

Feet & lower legs

Front-impact collisions often crumple the driver’s and front passenger’s foot areas. Often, this compresses the lower extremities into impossibly tight spaces, which may strain or tear connective tissue and even snap or crush small bones.

Moderate leg injuries are common for all vehicle occupants, but women experience them more often than men, according to the IIHS.

This is apparently due to vehicle choice, not anatomical differences, since women are less likely to drive large trucks/SUVs and less likely to be the striking driver in a collision.

Hands & lower arms

Our upper extremities are arguably the least protected body parts during a collision. It’s no wonder that these areas are prone to damage.

Hand and arm injuries usually take the form of broken bones. Drivers may be at heightened risk (compared to passengers) due to the proximity of the steering wheel.

Such fractures are essentially never fatal, but may be accompanied by severe bleeding or other life-threatening emergencies.

How reliable are car accident injury data?

Simple data, like total injury counts, are highly reliable in the US. It’s mandatory to report any accident resulting in injury or death, so general trends are easy to measure.

More complex data, like breakdowns by injury type, are less accurate but still directionally correct. Delayed injuries after car accidents aren’t always recorded and available to authorities, so researchers have to extrapolate from limited observations.

Likewise, milder injuries are less likely to be reported at all. It’s hard to measure their prevalence in the first place, let alone over time. 

Are accident injury patterns changing?

Improved safety standards have reduced the number and severity of injuries in similar collisions, but higher speeds and distraction levels may be offsetting those improvements. That helps explain 2020’s spike in traffic death rates despite fewer overall car trips.

However, safety improvements for occupants have accompanied a trend toward larger, heavier vehicles. Their height and mass increase risk to those outside the car: most notably pedestrians and cyclists, but also occupants of more conventionally-sized cars.

What should I do if I’m injured?

If you’ve suffered an injury, then contact our auto injury experts immediately, and do not attempt to negotiate with insurance companies on your own.

We have a long track record of fighting for and winning compensation that our clients deserve for their harm and trauma.

Contact us today to discuss your own case and legal options.

What A Passenger Injured In A Car Accident Needs To Know

If you suffered injuries as a passenger, while your friend or acquaintance was behind the wheel, you’re probably entitled to compensation from their insurer.

This is sometimes known as a “passenger vs. driver” case. And as with any other collision case, it takes proper planning to get maximum compensation for your injuries and treatment. We recommend that you consult an experienced attorney before negotiating with anybody.

Whose insurance will cover your injuries?

Generally, your compensation will come from the policy of the liable driver(s).

Washington law affirms that drivers owe due care to you, the passenger. That means they’re legally responsible for maintaining a safe speed, avoiding hazards, and doing whatever they reasonably can to keep you and others safe.

When a driver causes harm by breaching this duty, it leaves them liable to everyone who suffers as a result. Consequently, if your friend contributed to the car accident, then your friend’s policy is expected to cover your injuries. The same goes for any other driver who played a role in the collision, too.

Determining liability for passenger injuries

Determining liability can be complicated, since Washington law espouses comparative negligence. That means each driver’s liability is proportionate to their role in causing the accident.

Let’s say your friend was 30% responsible and another driver was 70% responsible. Theoretically, you would receive 30% of your due compensation from your friend’s insurer and the remaining 70% from the other driver’s insurer. Of course, this becomes more complex when multiple vehicles are involved, but the basic principle is the same.

(Note that Washington no longer recognizes the principle of last clear chance. If your friend and the other driver share responsibility, then it does not legally matter who had the last opportunity to avoid a collision. Compensation depends solely on their comparative negligence.)

All this means you will not receive compensation until fault is established. Sometimes it’s straightforward; other times it’s nuanced, and hotly contested. Our personal injury team can help you move toward compensation as quickly, smoothly, and fairly as possible.

Do you have to sue the driver?

If the collision hasn’t strained your friendship enough, then the prospect of suing the driver certainly could. Fortunately, you can receive compensation without suing your friend. Working with an attorney does not necessarily mean you’re suing.

That said, just because you needn’t sue your friend doesn’t mean you can’t. In fact, there are situations in which it’s helpful or even necessary.

The most common is if the driver’s policy is withholding your rightful compensation. We can limit the claim to the policy amount, so you’re not obligated to go after your friend’s personal assets. It’s often more of an administrative affair than an acrimonious, personal one. In fact, this sort of suit might serve everyone’s best interest by forcing a quick and final settlement.

Another scenario is if your injury expenses exceed your friend’s policy limits (or if they lacked a policy altogether). Some accidents entail months or years of delayed injuries, treatment expenses, ongoing therapy, and lost productivity. If the driver’s insurance and your medical coverage don’t suffice, then it may be worth exploring a lawsuit to recover further compensation. This requires particular care and planning to avoid forcing your friend into bankruptcy.

A far rarer situation is if you suspect the driver actually intended to harm you. This raises completely different legal matters from a standard accident-injury claim. It is not something to explore lightly. Still, if you suspect your (former) friend set out to harm you, then it’s essential to share that information with your legal team.

Whatever the details, our personal injury experts can help you decide whether a lawsuit is worth considering in your individual circumstances.

What if your friend was uninsured or underinsured?

If you carry uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, then your own policy may compensate you for your injuries. If you didn’t have such coverage at that time, then your options are limited. 

Compensation may still be available through other avenues, up to and including a suit, as discussed above. Your legal team will help you evaluate and pursue these options if necessary.

Can you be liable as a passenger?

It’s highly unlikely that you’d be found liable as a passenger. Within the bounds of normal, rational behavior, there is not much that could cause an accident without the driver breaching their duty of care.

However, it’s not impossible.

For instance, if the driver argues that your actions made them lose control or overlook a hazard, then you may be held at fault. This would require markedly aggressive or abnormal behavior, so it’s not a common scenario. But if you believe your own actions could have contributed, then it’s critical to discuss this with your legal team.

However, you may receive less or no compensation if you weren’t wearing a seat belt when the accident happened, or if you willingly rode with an impaired driver. Those factors do not make you legally responsible for the accident, but may still have a significant financial impact.

(Keep in mind that personal responsibility for seat belt use applies from age sixteen and up. If you were under sixteen, then the driver—not the passenger—is on the hook.)

Getting legal help for your injuries as a passenger

Bridge Law specializes in quickly obtaining rightful compensation for car accident injuries. 

Before talking to insurers, and before attempting to “take care of it” informally with your friend or any other parties, reach out to our legal team.

Accident claims are highly time-sensitive, so we encourage you to get in touch immediately.

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Car Accidents with Electric Vehicles

If you’ve experienced an accident or injury involving an electric vehicle (EV), it might feel like there are more questions than answers.

Like all new technology, electric vehicles are at the frontiers of the law. From batteries to autonomous features, entirely new kinds of cases are emerging all the time.

Of course, that’s on top of all the usual questions and stress around fault, liability, insurance coverage, and so forth.

So, if you’re dealing with the aftermath of an EV collision, our legal team will help you fight for rightful compensation while navigating the complexities of this cutting-edge tech.

Electric vehicle incidents & concerns

In a few short years, electric vehicles evolved from far-fetched concept cars to in-demand production vehicles.

But wide adoption doesn’t mean they’re free of issues. In fact, their batteries and numerous “smart” features create new kinds of problems—sometimes with devastating consequences.

Remember: EV-related claims may have little precedent and therefore lots of ambiguity. Insurers and manufacturers may try to use this ambiguity in their favor. If you or your loved ones suffered harm related to an electric vehicle, then it’s as important as ever to consult an experienced accident and injury attorney.

Batteries can ignite or explode

We’ve all seen EV battery fires on the news. Smoke or sparks may give way to flames, which seem to come from nowhere and quickly consume the vehicle. Not only are these cases deeply alarming, but sadly, some have been fatal.

Most of today’s EVs use lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. Unfortunately, lithium is highly heat-sensitive and combustible. A severe temperature increase—whether from poor design, manufacturing errors, or extreme operating conditions—can ignite the battery and produce a frightening fire.

There are a couple of additional hazards beyond the obvious combustion risk.

For one thing, Li-ion batteries contain several substances that become volatile under heat. When exposed to fire, they may produce extremely harmful gases like carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluoride. These gases are potentially fatal on their own, let alone in combination with heat and smoke.

Consequently, rescuers may need to be especially cautious. The unique risks of EV batteries may mean slower aid and, potentially, worse outcomes for everyone involved.

Doors have trapped people inside

In rare but particularly tragic cases, the vehicle’s own doors have trapped drivers or passengers inside a burning vehicle. This isn’t inherent to EVs, but is a risk of the novel, automated features that some EV makers have adopted.

Most notably, some popular models have self-retracting door handles. These are intended to extend when someone approaches and retract when not needed. However, if damage renders the software or mechanisms inoperable, rescuers may not be able to open the doors quickly (or at all) to extract the occupants.

To be clear, this is an extremely rare event. But in combination with battery-related fire hazards, it’s a dramatic and dangerous occurrence that current laws may not clearly address.

Self-driving EVs raise new liability questions

Collisions with autonomous EVs (or ones temporarily in auto-pilot mode) raise a slew of legal questions.

Engineering quality standards, the role of artificial intelligence in self-driving software, and the operator’s decision to relinquish control are mostly uncharted territory. These factors, plus the human element of most collisions, make it uniquely hard to disentangle liability.

If you were in an accident involving a self-driving EV, then we urge you to contact a legal professional as soon as possible.

Getting legal help after your EV accident

In the US, electric vehicle sales seem to hit new highs with every passing month. And as EVs form a growing share of all cars, they also form a growing share of all car collisions.

As a result, we’ve already seen new and complex legal situations. Some, like batteries combusting or autonomous features misbehaving, involve tricky matters of product liability that may involve manufacturers directly.

Electric vehicle or not, you still need an advocate. Even accidents that seem straightforward can have serious implications for your finances and well-being. No matter the cause of your EV-related incident, it’s critical to talk to an attorney before dealing with any insurers.

At Bridge Law, our team has spent years helping others just like you get fair treatment and just compensation. To confidentially discuss your situation with an expert, please reach out today.

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